


  • 片名:残酷
  • 状态:更新至1集
  • 主演:Katrina Grey/仁科贵/亚矢乃/Naho Nakashima/Butch/Nanako Ohata
  • 导演:广濑贵士
  • 年份:2018
  • 地区:日本
  • 类型:恐怖
  • 时长:67分钟
  • 上映:2018-12-11(美国)
  • 语言:日语
  • 更新:2024-04-21 14:16
  • 豆瓣:5.7
  • 简介:An unknown man was constantly hunting and suffering from hallucinations, which drove his violent nature. He was arresting women and beating them to death cruelly. At the same time, a woman used her knife to lure men to violence. Driven by the same force, the fate of the killer is intertwined with the suffering of the opposite sex. The two must fight to the death in a desperate battle, in which they were forced to reveal the terrible truth behind their addiction to murder. "Barbarian" adopts an interesting method in visual effects, which has drawn great influence from the western "Grindhouse" film. It uses filters to make the picture look rough, broken, and accompanied by light and color fluctuations. Unfortunately, the visual style was ultimately misled because it did not imitate any other aspect of the "Grindhouse" style except the application of filters. Although trying to smear the film, it is obvious that it was shot digitally. Photography technology is also one step higher than the production of most "Grindhouse". Takashi Hirose has proved his talent in photography. The exterior scenes shot in a small space have good viewfinder, lighting and transition. The decision to add effects to the work has damaged the image of the film, and even gave people a sense of despair, trying to catch some nostalgia with the audience, rather than relying on their own strength. Unfortunately, a creative choice can cause so much damage to a work. The story of "Cruelty" is very simple, but it is very effective. It does try to make some social comment on the nature of violence of men and women, but it does not provide enough depth to prove that the amount of violence displayed is reasonable. The film does end with a strong tone. There is an interesting turning point in it. One will make some people feel sick and others laugh at the same time. Although the nature of "Barbarian" is very simple, and those who like films that make them feel uncomfortable also like to overcome some challenges of extreme violence, "Barbarian" is an interesting and interesting challenge in this regard.
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  • 残酷 图1
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 网友收藏看过与未看过我喜欢你们喜欢或不喜欢的电影单l5 cache日本恐怖片yo已有资源(日韩恐怖)
An unknown man was constantly hunting and suffering from hallucinations, which drove his violent nature. He was arresting women and beating them to death cruelly. At the same time, a woman used her knife to lure men to violence. Driven by the same force, the fate of the killer is intertwined with the suffering of the opposite sex. The two must fight to the death in a desperate battle, in which they were forced to reveal the terrible truth behind their addiction to murder. "Barbarian" adopts an interesting method in visual effects, which has drawn great influence from the western "Grindhouse" film. It uses filters to make the picture look rough, broken, and accompanied by light and color fluctuations. Unfortunately, the visual style was ultimately misled because it did not imitate any other aspect of the "Grindhouse" style except the application of filters. Although trying to smear the film, it is obvious that it was shot digitally. Photography technology is also one step higher than the production of most "Grindhouse". Takashi Hirose has proved his talent in photography. The exterior scenes shot in a small space have good viewfinder, lighting and transition. The decision to add effects to the work has damaged the image of the film, and even gave people a sense of despair, trying to catch some nostalgia with the audience, rather than relying on their own strength. Unfortunately, a creative choice can cause so much damage to a work. The story of "Cruelty" is very simple, but it is very effective. It does try to make some social comment on the nature of violence of men and women, but it does not provide enough depth to prove that the amount of violence displayed is reasonable. The film does end with a strong tone. There is an interesting turning point in it. One will make some people feel sick and others laugh at the same time. Although the nature of "Barbarian" is very simple, and those who like films that make them feel uncomfortable also like to overcome some challenges of extreme violence, "Barbarian" is an interesting and interesting challenge in this regard.



  • 贞子
    4.3悬疑 / 日本 / 池田依来沙,塚本高史,清水寻也,姬岛妃花,桐山涟,友坂理惠,佐藤仁美
  • 尸体派对
    4.7恐怖 / 日本 / 生驹里奈,池冈亮介,前田希美,ジュン,喜多阳子,美紗玲奈,諒太郎,松浦爱弓,金山一彦
  • 感染
    7.1剧情 / 日本 / 佐藤浩市,星野真里,佐野史郎,羽田美智子,木村多江,真木阳子,南果步
  • 预言
    6.7恐怖 / 日本 / 堀北真希,三上博史,酒井法子
  • 鱼
    6.7动画 / 日本 / 片岡未来,谷口亜実,佐伯まさみ,根岸拓馬
  • 多罗罗
    6.8动作 / 日本 / 妻夫木聪,柴崎幸,中井贵一,原田芳雄,永山瑛太,原田美枝子,中村贺津雄,麻生久美子,白善哲
  • 捉妖记
    7.2恐怖 / 日本 / 宫泽里惠,高桥香织,小仓久宽,永濑正敏
  • 阿修罗
    8.2动画 / 日本 / 野泽雅子,林原惠美,玄田哲章,平田广明,岛田敏,山像香,山口胜平,水岛裕,兴梠里美
  • 妖兽都市
    7.6动画 / 日本 / 屋良有作,藤田淑子,永井一郎,青野武,横尾麻里,大木民夫,户谷公次,村松康雄,岸野一彦
  • 生化危机:死亡岛
    5.2动作 / 日本 / 艾琳·卡希尔,凯文·多曼,马修·默瑟,斯蒂芬妮·潘尼斯洛,妮科尔·汤普金斯