电视剧权力的堡垒 第二季

权力的堡垒 第二季第4集

9.3全10集 / 2011年丹麦剧情海外剧权力的堡垒 第二季免费观看全集
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权力的堡垒 第二季
  • 权力的堡垒 第二季

  • 片名:权力的堡垒 第二季
  • 状态:全10集
  • 主演:西瑟·巴比特·科努德森/比吉特·约尔特·索伦森/皮鲁·埃斯贝克
  • 导演:Jannik Johansen
  • 年份:2011
  • 地区:丹麦
  • 类型:剧情
  • 时长:58分钟
  • 上映:2011-09-25
  • 语言:丹麦语
  • 更新:2024-04-22 20:20
  • 豆瓣:9.3
  • 简介:Bogen is a sensational drama produced by the producer of the widely acclaimed series' Killing '. After the intricate lives of politicians, media spinners, and journalists who make a living on success and failure, Bergen revealed a world of political and personal conspiracies. The background is Borgen, the nickname of the Danish Parliament Building, also known as "Borgen"; Castle ";. Birgitte Nyborg, a smart and sexy populist, won a landslide victory victory for her party with her idealism and professional ethics. Now she is facing the biggest dilemma in her life. The question is: Will she succumb to the pressure of compromise towards her ideals and face consequences both on and off the political stage?
大师兄影院电视剧海外剧权力的堡垒 第二季


